Yes to Yes 2 Yoga

Donna Duffy, owner of the Edison Square Yes 2 Yoga Studio, asked me to take photos of the Grand Opening. Yes! This would be a wonderful opportunity to photograph people. I enjoyed mingling with the yoga instructors and working in the beautiful new studio! I was able to photograph those participating in the free classes that morning.

There’s so much natural light in the studio.IMG_4121IMG_4126

I switched between using a flash and no flash and used a 24-105mm lens. Here are a few images using flash. Often seen when using flash, the background is dark in some cases and there are a few shadows. The flash did freeze the action though.


I definitely like the images taken without flash better. I had the camera on a tripod and fortunately Yoga isn’t a fast moving activity. I was able to use burst mode and get some good images using a shutter speed anywhere from 1/6 sec. to 0.6 sec.IMG_4245IMG_4226

The blurred feet and hands in these next two images show movement. I like that. I didn’t like the images that showed blurred faces though.IMG_4320IMG_4302

This image is just plain fun!IMG_4294

As Bert and John Jacobs, founders of Life is Good, would say, “Do what you love. Love what you do.” Some people love yoga. I love photography. Life is good.

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